The Research Centre for Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Astrophotonics at Macquarie University in Sydney is offering up to five vacation (summer) scholarships in related areas of astronomy, including observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, astrophotonics, instrumentation, astronomy education, and Aboriginal astronomy. The Centre is part of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, but also includes the School of Education and the Department of Indigenous Studies.
These scholarships are for undergraduate and honours students in Australia that are in their second year of university or higher to research a topic in astronomy. We have opportunities for students to undertake projects in Aboriginal Astronomy. Indigenous students are encouraged to apply.
Time Duration: 6-7 weeks during January and February 2012
Stipend: $650 per week, tax free (this has recently been increased from $500). Successful applicants outside the Sydney metro area will receive financial support for return travel to Sydney to take up the scholarship.
Eligibility: Must be in 2nd year of undergraduate program or higher. Selection will be based on academic merit and suitability. Students with backgrounds in physics, astronomy, maths, computing, and engineering are preferred, but candidates from other backgrounds will be considered for projects in Aboriginal astronomy (such as the humanities and social sciences).
Deadline: Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Application Form: Click here for PDF. Click here for a Word file. If you are interested in a project in Aboriginal Astronomy, write "Astronomy - Aboriginal Astronomy" in the line provided.
Supporting Documentation:
1) Cover letter
2) Copy of your academic transcript
3) Curriculum Vitae (CV)
4) Contact details
5) References from two academic referees
Terms of Award: Click here for PDF
Selection Process: Click here for PDF
Application Submission Address: Amanda Manypeny, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109.
Telephone: 02 9850 4244

These scholarships are for undergraduate and honours students in Australia that are in their second year of university or higher to research a topic in astronomy. We have opportunities for students to undertake projects in Aboriginal Astronomy. Indigenous students are encouraged to apply.
Time Duration: 6-7 weeks during January and February 2012
Stipend: $650 per week, tax free (this has recently been increased from $500). Successful applicants outside the Sydney metro area will receive financial support for return travel to Sydney to take up the scholarship.
Eligibility: Must be in 2nd year of undergraduate program or higher. Selection will be based on academic merit and suitability. Students with backgrounds in physics, astronomy, maths, computing, and engineering are preferred, but candidates from other backgrounds will be considered for projects in Aboriginal astronomy (such as the humanities and social sciences).
Deadline: Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Application Form: Click here for PDF. Click here for a Word file. If you are interested in a project in Aboriginal Astronomy, write "Astronomy - Aboriginal Astronomy" in the line provided.
Supporting Documentation:
1) Cover letter
2) Copy of your academic transcript
3) Curriculum Vitae (CV)
4) Contact details
5) References from two academic referees
Terms of Award: Click here for PDF
Selection Process: Click here for PDF
Application Submission Address: Amanda Manypeny, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109.
Telephone: 02 9850 4244